How I accidentally gave 100,000 orgasms… (and broke the world record)

I was 15 years old, bored and messing around with my curious friend Erik in the Roseburg High School library at lunch.

“Hey, this is cool,” Erik held up a book called simply, “Hypnosis”.

This was pre-internet in a small town.

If I was going to learn about anything “unusual”, it would have to be at the library (we didn’t have TV at home!).

I took it from him and thumbed through. There was a short script about how to guide someone into hypnosis.

“You want to try it?” I asked.


So, I read the words on the page, telling him to relax. Then, I told him he couldn’t open his eyes.

“Try to open your eyes.”

Nothing happened. Did he not hear me?

Was he ignoring me?

Oh well, I just continued until the end…

“And when I snap my fingers, you will awaken to normal consciousness.”


“Whoa, that was trippy!” he said.

“Yeah? What happened when I told you to open your eyes?”

“I tried, but I just couldn’t.”

He couldn’t!

No way!

It had actually worked!

I just stared at him, not sure what to say. You mean, you can just tell someone something isn’t possible, and suddenly it isn’t, for them?

I felt like I’d just discovered the Holy Grail. I just told someone that something they could easily do normally was no longer possible.

And it became true.

In other words, I molded reality, just using words.

Why hadn’t anyone told me about this??

It opened up so many questions:

How and why was reality so malleable?

How powerful are our minds?

Are we just running on programs, like a computer?

What else was possible?

  • Could you have surgery without anesthetic? (yes)
  • Stop bleeding, through the power of your mind? (yes)
  • Control things like blood pressure and heart rate? (yes)
  • Change pesky behaviors like smoking and weight loss? (yes)

…what were the actual limits??

I couldn’t stop thinking about this. But, I was also very religious. And we hadn’t prayed. We hadn’t asked God to do this. We just did it ourselves. What did that mean about my faith?

I decided to ask my church leader what he thought about it and his response was, “Anything that takes away your freedom of choice comes from the devil!”

And so, I vowed never to try to hypnotize or be hypnotized again.

But I was soooo curious!

I kept that vow…in public. In secret, I started to use this new tool called “the internet” to find out all I could. Because sex was just as taboo as these researches of consciousness, I was equally fascinated by both…

Imagine my excitement when I discovered hypno-porn! And erotic hypnosis. Unlike a lot of guys, I found the voice could be just as arousing as the body, and I was never interested in watching people have sex.

But I was fascinated by how I could [be] influence[d] by words to feel things, experience things. And, in some ways, this was a loophole. Because, hey, I wasn’t touching anyone! Not violating the ‘Law of Chastity’…just talking sexy, making suggestions…well, listening to them at first.

So that was ok…right? Experiencing “aural” sex while, at the same time, keeping myself pure for marriage. A win-win!

I married at 22, and our sex life wasn’t the best, so my researches just kept going deeper and deeper (no pun intended)—at night, alone, when my wife wasn’t watching.

I eventually found something called a “hands-free orgasm” (HFO for short) file.

I decided to try it…so I listened to the short file, along with watching the pendulum and the suggestive lady giving the suggestions… and, sure enough, it worked! I had a full-blown hands-free orgasm with no touching involved.

Not only could you quit smoking and reduce your anxiety, but you could have full-blown orgasms without any touch whatsoever, using the magic of hypnosis!

I was gobsmacked.

I collected files and listened for years, exploring all sorts of things that were suggested in these files, as much as I dared, because my sexual shame and fear would overtake me and I would ‘put it on the shelf’ for extended periods throughout my 20s.

Until I left the Church.

Even after that, I still felt hesitant to dive into erotic hypnosis in a bigger way. I couldn’t tell anyone about it. I was my dirty little secret.

Until I moved to San Francisco in 2012.

I didn’t know anyone.

No one knew me.

So, I did something that I had never done before.

I booked my first session with a real live erotic hypnotist!

I was so nervous! A part of me still wondered if the God that I had been trained to believe in (hmmm, was that also hypnosis??) was staring down disapprovingly from the clouds.

But, she was very capable. Did her work well. And we got to a nice, relaxing, pleasurable place.

I didn’t do anything overtly sexual in that first experience…I was much too shy to ask for that…but I felt good. Relaxed. At peace.

But the next day was magic. I was on fire! I had never felt so good!

I sat down the next morning and wrote a social media post that had more attention, likes, comments than anything I had ever written.

On fire

Was this what hypnosis could do?

I was hooked, though I was still feeling shame about my desires toward this occulted and forbidden art form…mixed with sexual energy.

Until I discovered MeetUp.

It turns out, that there were entire meetups in San Francisco dedicated to erotic hypnosis.

I wasn’t the only degenerate pervert interested in this!

I hadn’t imagined that I could attend a meetup at a cafe or in a community center and practice and talk about erotic hypnosis with like-minded people!

There were some who had been doing this far longer than I had…who were more than comfortable doing this in a semi-public venue…demonstrations of orgasm on command or hypnotic bondage.

I had found my people!

I wasn’t the only perverted freak who was into this stuff (and, to be honest, in the world of kink, there’s waaaaay crazier stuff going on…)!

It helped me let go of some of the shame and guilt I had felt to meet others “like me”. It’s amazing how, 9 years after leaving the conservative Church, these feelings still followed me…

I began to dive into hypnosis much more deeply. I looked online to find people to exchange and play with. But I couldn’t really find anyone.

Frustrated at the lack of “play partners” I could find, I decided to start a YouTube channel and start posting some hypnosis journeys, in the hopes of attracting a lady who would want to explore mutually and get some more practice.

I hadn’t really had a lot of training, but I had been listening at this point for around 15 years, on and off, so I had absorbed something.

My first few recordings weren’t popular. Just a couple hundred views. I was talking to another hypno-friend, lamenting the fact, and asking her why she thought that was.

Because you aren’t getting them off!” she said, quite matter-of-factly as with the voice of an oracle.

Because I’m not getting them off… The words echoed in my mind.

Well, maybe I should make a file to get people off, then!

And thus “Orgasm on Command” was born…

Orgasm on Command became my 7th file that I put on YouTube.

And oh boy, did it take off!

Instead of getting a couple hundred views total, it started getting a few hundred listens per day.

Soon, it was averaging over 1000 listens per day.

And the comments

“Just had my best orgasm EVER, thanks to you!”

“I’ve NEVER had an orgasm before…and this FINALLY did it!”

“My boyfriend can’t make me cum, but you can, without even touching me!”

The comments went on and on. And not just from women…but also from men. And why not? I hadn’t even considered that, but around 25% of my listeners were male.

So, I was having the surreal experience of making strangers orgasm to my voice all over the world. Effortlessly.

That video has now been watched almost half a million times. Around 20% of those who land on it watch the whole 20 minutes. And, if I assume that around 20% of them have some kind of ecstatic experience, that means that, in the past decade, I have given around 100,000 people an orgasm!

I checked YouTube. There isn’t any similar hypnotic track that has those numbers. Which means…

that I have quite possibly given more orgasms to more people than anyone else in history– just using my voice!

Thanks to the miracle of the Internet, I had eclipsed Casanova, Don Juan, and even Wilt Chamberlain ;).

How much pleasure is available to us and how can we get it?

Some of the listeners started asking, “Would you do a hypnosis session with me?” or “Could you make a custom recording for me?”

And so I started offering custom recordings, working with people 1:1, and since then have hypnotized thousands of people online and in person for more pleasure, to experience their fantasies, and to dive deeper into their own sexuality.

Soon, I will be launching a hypnotic program to allow you to experience this for yourself, at home, in even more depth and power.

So, if you want more pleasure, subscribe at this link:

Next article: What did I learn from giving 100,000 people orgasms?

What makes trance “work”?

I am a notoriously difficult person to put into trance.

My mind is always working. Thinking.

“Am I doing this right?”

“Am I being manipulated?”

“Is this safe?”

“What happens if I get an erection?” (When I was having clinical hypnosis done!)

All these thoughts. All of this hypervigilance.

These are the two things that prevent trance in general:

  1. Hypervigilance
  2. Extremely low intelligence

Those are the only two barriers.

And, unfortunately, I am #1 (and probably sometimes #2 :p )

So, what do we do with me?

If we think about the fact that there is around 15% of the population that is hypersuggestible…going to a stage hypnosis event, that is who the hypnotist is looking for. Those people who are naturally somnambulistic and hypersuggestible. Everyone else gets sent back to their seats.

If we jump straight into suggestion, those are the people who will respond. They don’t need any inductions.

Now, if we add some rapport and induction and a few convincers and some other stuff, we can start bringing those percentages up.

Imagine that the best hypnotist in a group setting can get to maybe 85%, everything done perfectly with infinite time.

And I am probably in the 92nd percentile. I will be the guy who doesn’t go under. Has no effects. Doesn’t have transformation.

What do we do for me? How do I get there?

This is something I have been struggling with for 30 years.

So, what can help? Here are a few ideas.

  1. Add a sexual component

If someone is hypervigilant, how do we get them out of their vigilance? What is going to “distract” the conscious mind, as well as relax them?

One thing might be sex.

Sex automatically changes state. At least, it’s a *different* state.

And, my teacher’s definition of hypnosis was, “Any other-than-normal-waking-conscious state.”

In other words, if you are not in your normal “run the program, get things done” state, you have the chance to be in some kind of trance. Whether the energy is arousal: revved way up, or relaxation…calmed all the way down, kind of doesn’t matter.

The mind will become less ‘getting stuff done/running the program’ and more ‘searching for the next thing’ (whether that is orgasm/distraction or pleasure or ‘next impulse’ and that can help the mind to open.)

2. Add more people

If you can get a group moving in the ‘right direction’ (esp if you have an attuned group and just 1-2 outliers), you can get the result you want more easily.

3. Put the trancee in a situation in which they are in control.

“You can go deeper when you raise your hand. You can go deeper when you press the button. You can go deeper when you… xyz”

“You can sleep when you… (volitional action)”.

In addition…

4. Go longer

5. Go more intense

6. Engage the body

7. Put them in a comfortable context

Of course, if they relax a lot talking about football, or poker, or something they feel comfortable with, you can use that, too. Anything that absorbs the attention and gently, percent by percent, allows things to move.

8. Go into trance yourself, as the hypnotist.

Example is the best teacher.



State management is key.

Welcome to Your Pleasure Journey! [ AUDIO WELCOME ]

Hello, hypno-peeps and pleasure passionistas!

This is Ryan or Master Shadow from YouTube and my hypnosis channel.

(Although I do tantra, I do energy work, I do many other things as well.)

But most of you know me through erotic hypnosis.

And congratulations because finding erotic hypnosis!

It is something that changed my whole life.

Finding hypnosis, first of all, then adding the sexy stuff to it has propelled me into experiences that I never thought were possible.

And what makes me even more happy is to give you all experiences that were never possible in any other way.

You can use hypnosis to do things that are either impossible or very difficult to do.

And you can experience things in hypnosis that are very difficult to achieve by any other method.

So you found me on YouTube, you probably watched Orgasm on Command, or one of my domination videos, or maybe something about sexual function, and now you signed up.

And I appreciate your trust for doing that.

I know when you give your email address to someone, you’re always wondering what’s gonna happen with this.

And I strive to honor your trust.

I’ve spent the last decade playing with people, making audios, making recordings, doing live sessions.

And I’ve worked with, honestly, it’s probably over a thousand people by now.

I’ve heard every fetish that you can possibly imagine, and yet people can constantly surprise me with new ones.

And I’ve dived deep into the tried and true paths to pleasure and found depths that I did not know existed.

So why am I telling you all this?

I’m telling you all this because for a while I’ve been advertising something called the pleasure game.

What is the pleasure game?

Well, in some ways, life is a pleasure game.

We are here to find pleasure and avoid pain.

That is your biological imperative.

That is what your body tries to do.

And the world makes it hard.

Life makes it hard.

Our parents make it hard.

Religions, governments, all of them make it difficult to just enjoy life as much as we could…because of all this crazy messaging we’re getting, which is ironically also hypnotic brainwashing, mind control programming,
(except different from the fun kind of brainwashing mind control programming, the fetish kind, the kink kind,)
this kind is actually very, very damaging.

So we all get brainwashed as children into being less than we could be,

Into thinking we can’t accomplish things we can accomplish.

And we fight with that our whole lives.

And congratulations! Because you’re one of those people who has chosen *not* to believe the voices that were programmed in your head to limit you and your pleasure, but to instead look for the greatest pleasure you can have.

And so now you’re here with me on this journey.

And I’ve both been studying how to experience and give the greatest pleasure possible in every possible way, as well as finding my gifts to do so and being amazed at the experiences that people have with me. I’ve learned so much in the past decade of diving deeply into running my YouTube channel and running my erotic hypnosis business empire, and now we’re ready to turn the corner and really turn up the heat in a way that I personally am only ready for now, and that maybe you’re ready for as well.

So I want to invite you into that.

Now, 90% of the people signed up on this list are men.

So most of what I’m going to say is going to be targeted to men.

If you are a woman and find yourself here, you are welcome to send me an email, and we can talk about what I can do for you and what kind of things will be coming up. So if you’re interested in that, drop me a line, let me know, because I need to know who is actually interested in going deeper and in which ways.

And there’s a lot of ways that that can possibly go as a little teaser.

So the rest of this is gonna be for men.

And for men, it really sucks because our sexuality has been demonized and decried and pushed down.

Our pleasure potential is denied even much more than women.

And that’s unfortunate because I believe men can have just as much pleasure as women.

And in some ways, men are just as complex as women.

Although everyone jokes about how simple men are and their sexuality is, this hasn’t been my experience.

And men are just as emotionally complex as women as well.

They just show it differently, and they process it differently.

What I’m doing moving forward is focusing on the unique and best ways that men can get the most out of their pleasure journey, my pleasure game. And I’m starting that with launching a new file today.

And that file is about orgasming and associating those orgasms to me.

Well, that is a dominance kink programming topic.

I want to lead you more and more deeply into pleasure.

And to do that, I want you to begin to have more and more pleasure as you listen to my voice. That will take you more and more deeply into opening to experiences with me that you couldn’t otherwise have.

We’re going to create an entire path of this, an entire journey for you to experience.

And I’ll be creating files for that starting now, the beginning of 2023 and through 2024 as well.

Now, this is going to go at a certain frequency and people will be able to do their frequency and dive into this pleasurable hypnosis domination experience.

And if you’d like more, then you’re welcome to ask me to speed things up.

I can make customized recordings for you.

We can do calls and you can see from the feedback how powerful these all are.

If there are specific desires, drives, needs, interests that you have, I invite you to share those with me as well and I can incorporate them as I redo, restructure, republish my catalog in 2024, redoing many of the old favorites with higher audio quality, musical backing, subliminal isochronic tones to synchronize your brainwaves and brainwash you even better, and put the best new ideas in each of these scripts.

In addition, I’m toying with the idea of creating some personal development files as well.

These don’t sell as well traditionally, but they are fun to deal with sleeping or productivity or motivation to exercise, whatever it is that you’d like to improve with your life.

And I get requests for those as well.

So they may be coming out as well as the year progresses.

In any case, I’m very grateful for you.

I’m excited to play with you all moving forward and to give you the greatest pleasure that you can possibly experience in your own body.

And just as an aside, I remember finding all this stuff.

Now it’s been decades ago and beginning the journey to learn about this, learn about Tantra, learn about energy. And I discovered at that point that most of us are experiencing around one to 2% of what I’m going to call our pleasure potential. In other words, life could be 10 times, maybe a hundred times more pleasurable than it is.

I’m not claiming to have gotten all the way up to scale, but I do think I’ve gone up 15 or 20 times myself and helped other people to definitely move up five or 10 times.

And that makes me very happy.

There is a greater world of pleasure available, and that’s connected to so many other things as well. Whether it’s finances, your relationships, your health, pleasure is the reason you do all of it.

If life sucks, if it hurts, if it’s boring, if it’s painful, who wants more of it?

What good does more money help?

And even having our loved ones around doesn’t feel as good if our bodies are not feeling good. So pleasure and the energies it releases can make everything better.

I look forward to having you with me on this journey, now ending up 2023 and for the rest of 2024.

And I want you to absorb the energies that I’m putting into the work. Some of the files like this one are going to be free explanations, and I will hopefully have some new files up on YouTube for free as well.

They are always threatening to take me down, and I’m not sure where to go if they ever do.

And to participate in those premium offerings that I put out there that are intended, infused, filled with this energy of pleasure that I’ve been able to explore and express and imbibe and imbue my work with through the past decade.

If you have any questions, feel free to reply. I’m happy to chat about whatever
might give you more pleasure.

And if you’re looking for serious coaching, healing, I do write and provide some resources about that as well. I will include these as our year goes forward together.

Wishing you the happiest of holidays, lots of pleasure.

If you want the newest file,

it’s going to be at a link at the bottom of this email, purchasable on .

If you can’t use NiteFlirt, you can contact me.

There are perhaps some other possibilities.

And I welcome you very cordially and look forward to our pleasure journey together.

This has been Ryan, Master Shadow, for your pleasure, signing out.

Here’s the link for the sample for the new file.

Cum for Me! – [ FREE MP3 SAMPLE ] – Master Shadow’s Hypnosis File


If my voice is becoming ever more compelling to you, you will love this recording.

This connects my voice to your orgasms. To cumming.

You will learn to associate my voice with your orgasms and I will use that to go deeper and deeper into your mind.

The beginning of a journey into pleasure and submission without equal.

Get it here:

The Professor, Begins (A Sexy Story for Women)

“We know your mind tyrannizes you,” he said gently…calmly. Matter-of-factly. There was no judgement in his voice. 

She felt confused. So often confused. 

What should she do? How should she be?

The confusion came from all over. She was told to be one way…was she really that way?

How was she truly? 

Questions swirled constantly in her mind. What to do now? Where to go? How to be?

“I see you have questions,” he said. “I can see them swirling in your mind,” he continued. 

“I see how challenging they are for you. How much they weigh you down…


“You want to let that all go. Just want peace. Clarity. In fact, sometimes you just want nothing…

Nothingness. Silence. Stillness. 

You just want to be still.”

She didn’t react. She was just following his words. She didn’t know whether she could trust this man, of extraordinary claims.

She didn’t know whether she could trust him. 

All she knew was, she had tried everything else. So many things. And now she was exhausted. Running in circles in her mind. 

“Truthfully,” he continued, “I don’t know whether I can help you either…

“All we can do is test that. All we can do is try together, and see what happens.”

He pulled an old mechanical metronome from his desk. 

“We can start with this,” he said.

He tapped the pendulum and it began swinging back and forth. 





Instinctively, she watched it. 

“Very good,” he said. “This is the first test. The first experiment.

You focus on the pendulum. Stay focused on it.”














A regular, comforting rhythm. Something easy to do. 

No decisions to be made. Not right now. 

Just staring at the pendulum





“Good. Now breathe in…”





He counted in time with the pendulum and, she did as guided.

“And out.”





She breathed out in time to his counting, matched perfectly to the pendulum.






And out…



4 …

It was soothing…


Watching the pendulum…

And breathing in sync with his words.

It didn’t allow her time to think about anything else. 

Indeed, she didn’t want to think about anything else anyway. That’s why she was here.

“Cure your anxiety! Heal your depression!” 

The claims on the sign had seemed over the top, but she didn’t know where else to turn.





And, he said, notice how relaxed you feel, after the breathing, after the counting. With the watching. 

He was right. Her body felt so much more relaxed right now…

Miles away from whatever had made her come here in the first place…she could barely remember any of it. 

Just focusing



And breathing

Tick tock

It was all so simple. 

So calming

Nothing else to do. 







And breathe….

In sync

To the slow



Of the pendulum…

She fell into the pattern of it…

She didn’t know how long….

Until finally she noticed. 

He placed his hand on the pendulum. Stopping it. 

She looked up at him.

“How was that?”

“Relaxing.” She felt so calm.

“We have done well, for this first test.”

“Come again Tuesday? Same time.”


The answer was automatic. She wanted more. Needed more? 

She felt so good.

Choosing Slavery (New Recording!)

As you go down deeper with me, enjoy this NEW recording where you sink deeper and deeper with me, letting go totally, absolutely. Becoming my slave. Mine totally…you will breathe for me. Have triggers implanted…LET GO of being a slave to the Machine and become a SLAVE to ME… The PLEASURE of the PENETRATION takes you to an EXPLOSIVE conclusion for me… It’s all worth it… Join me NOW for the pleasure…in this NEW Recording…

Click here to ENJOY!

“How do I go deeper and feel more pleasure?”


Q: “I’ve been watching your videos for a while, and I really enjoy them. But I want to go deeper, I’ve always had a hard time staying in trance, and I want to see how far down the rabbit hole I can go. I was wondering if you have any advice on how to stay deep in trace, thank you.”


When I asked her what that meant, she said, “If I went deeper, I would definitely would want to feel more pleasure for sure. To feel like I’m a passenger in my own body and to have someone else in control, to be submissive.”

“I can go kinda deep, but usually when pleasure is added in, I kinda wake up, I have a hard time transitioning from relaxation to pleasure. If that makes sense.”

I have more questions, but that is a good place to start right now and an inspiration for what I’m about to say.

What is she talking about? Can you relate? Or does this seem strange to you?

It took me awhile to figure out myself.

Every religion from the beginning of time has taught ‘surrender’…to God. To Divine will. To Source. Universe. Truth. Etc.

A lot of us have been down that path, been betrayed, found its limits and now we are looking for something else.

Surrender. Letting go. Submission.

Ironically, she is asking for a way to overcome herself.

What does that mean?

The question shows supreme wisdom.

She is asking an interesting question. There is a part of her that wants to surrender, to relax, to go deep, to have new experiences, more pleasure, and deeper trance states. “Someone else in control. A passenger in my own body.”

On the other hand, we have this “logical mind”, which seeks to protect us by controlling everything…which is ultimately a delusion. We can’t control anything. Life happens to us, and we can respond or react. But the mind has this idea that if it holds on to control, then everything will be alright.

But she feels and deduces correctly, that if she can turn that part of herself off, and allow herself to relax more completely, she’s going to receive more pleasure. The deeper she goes, the better she’s going to be able to feel. Just like surfing or hang gliding, there is a certain amount of surrender that you have to enter in order to feel that exhilaration. As a self-confessed control freak, I have frustrated my attempts at enjoyment many times by tension, trying to ‘stay in control’, and not being able to relax and cooperate with the wave or the mountain or even the feelings in my own body.

Sex and pleasure are similar. The more your body takes over, and your mind takes a backseat, the greater your experience is going to be.

And, YouTube recordings are a wonderful channel for that. I see she has practiced quite a bit…training herself to get to a specific place. But there has been no feedback in the process. And, without a teacher, sometimes we get stuck.

It’s like trying to tickle yourself.

My first flippant advice to her is to work one-on-one with someone. Why do I say that? And what does that mean? The reason I say that is because having someone actually watching from the outside as we have our experiences allows us to get feedback. It allows them to bring feedback to us. Figuring out how to achieve more pleasure is like a puzzle. Just like any kind of healing. We can look at receiving or accepting more pleasure as a process of finding ourselves more completely.

And just like any journey, learning to play the piano, learning to do gymnastics, learning to communicate with others, the Journey of overcoming the obstacles and going deeper is one of practice, and thinking. We practice, get to a certain point, if someone else is there to watch us, they can see what we’re doing wrong and coach us into getting further. In the kink/BDSM world, the guide is the Dom or Top. The surrenderer/receiver is the bottom or the sub.

So many people talk about being tricked or confused or outwitted or overwhelmed or overpowered or somehow be forced to go into these places. That’s the fantasy: That someone has some sort of power to overcome what our own minds are doing to prevent us from having pleasure.

The truth is, you can never not inhabit your body. You can never give someone “control” of you. Every time you act, you make a choice. So, it’s your choice to surrender or follow or obey or go deep or have orgasmic pleasure or whatever else you think you want.

She already knows that on some level she will feel better as she gives up control, as her mind gives up that egoic drive to “protect her” by staying in control all the time.

That’s like trying to water ski while you’re also driving the boat. You know that you’re not going to have pleasure that way. You’re not going to have exhilaration and thrill. You have to let go and allow all those parts of you that resist to feel safe and go to sleep while you’re led into more relaxation and pleasure.

And that’s not an easy thing. For any of us.

The work of pleasure is still work. It requires effort. A lot of it. Of course, the rewards are immense. But that doesn’t stop it from being work.


Pt I:

What do I mean when I say to “work with someone”. What are the risks, pitfalls, and dangers that are involved? How can she do this safely?

And what will the process feel like?

I’m going to generalize this question for any sort of deeper pleasure. Depending on whom you ask, 15-30% of women have never orgasmed. Of those that have, they orgasm only in a specific way with a specific stimulation.

And yet, there is so much more.

Every block to pleasure will have a barrier.

In other words, when I work with someone on their pleasure/life experience, we always get to a specific level of sensation and then something kicks in.

Tension. Fear. Intrusive thoughts.

Some trauma of the past. Some childhood phrase. Some reason why pleasure…more pleasure, too much pleasure, is a bad idea.

The personality, which may best be described as as series of compensations to trauma, and the ‘egoic mind’ hold things in stasis.

It felt/was dangerous to go beyond a specific level of energetic expression and freedom as a child. I talk about that in other places.

Those limitations get ‘baked in’ in our society, and most people stay with these walls around their thoughts, their expression, their freedom, and their pleasure their entire lives.

A few will notice the walls.

And fewer still will attempt to climb over or around or under them…or dismantle them altogether.

She has already taken tremendous responsibility and power by pursuing her own pleasure.

By paying attention and spending time on it.

For the next step, we are going to find these walls.

Although it takes longer, my preference is to dismantle them. More on that in a later piece.

I have had many many people come to me looking for more pleasure.

Once they see why they are avoiding pleasure, most of them run.

Just like the ‘parable of the sower’ in the New Testament, when we figure out that if we search for more pleasure:

– We may disappoint our spouse

– We may upset our parents (living or passed!)

– We may ‘get in trouble’ with authority

– We may lose our existing identity

– Our beliefs will need to be challenged

– Our friends may not understand

– We could face very real penalties in a pleasure and body-negative society

…many people quit the search.


Which is why I am, more and more moving forward, requiring some kind of commitment to the path before I take someone on it.

It’s like all the tourists coming up to the foot of Everest saying, “Wow! It would be fun to see the view from the top!” and I say, “Let’s go!” and then they say. “Whooaaaaa! I didn’t mean to actually climb it!”

Or, some take a few steps and quit, etc.

The smallest token of readiness to begin this journey is my $5 membership to this Pleasure Journey on Ghost. This is where I begin to share some of the how-to’s about the journey to pleasure, give exercises and meditations and journeys, and allow you to live some of the principles of pleasure.

So many spiritual orders have some kind of ‘initiation’ to show people that the path of knowledge or wisdom or transformation that they are embarking on will require a death of the old and rebirth of the new.

Sometimes baptism. Or taking some vows. Receiving a new name. Or some other ceremony.

If you are serious about any potentially life-changing path, you are going to run into an invitation to do this, sooner or later.

So I guess what I am saying is: be aware that your question has some very real and deep invitations, challenges, and opportunities.

As real and delightful as a journey into pleasure can be, pleasure is serious. And its exploration can have revolutionary consequences for yourself and the world, which you should be aware of.

Does that scare you away?


That’s enough for Part I of beginning to answer this question. go to Pleasure Cult to read more for free.