Hypnosis consists of three skills:
1. Trancing (accessing altered states). Trancing is essentially becoming a ‘blank slate’.
2. Following guidance
3. Imagining
If you can do all three, you will have the most amazing experiences in trance that you now cannot believe are possible.
We are developing a multi-step program for learning all three of these areas.
Developing Trancing Skill:
First, Visual
Look at the following link until you fall into trance. Reply “Thank you, Master”
Look at the following link until you fall into trance. Reply “Thank you, Master”
Look at the following link until you fall into trance. Reply “Thank you, Master”
Once you can quickly fall into trance through these visual stimulations, move to auditory trance.
Second, Auditory
Listen to the following youtube until you go into trance.
Reply “Thank you, Master”
Then listen to the following video until you go into trance.
Reply “Thank you, Master”
Then listen to the following video until you go into trance (with headphones).
Reply “Thank you, Master”
You are getting very good at trance.
The next post will train you in following.